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Recent advances in the computer industry and the rapid commercialization of advanced information systems such as multimedia devices, which is underpinned by various large-scale integration (LSI) devices such as microprocessors and memory. The LSI technology is developing very rapidly, with the device density doubles approximately every 2 years. A higher LSI device density means that there are a larger number of devices built into each chip, and the key is to make each device as small as possible. The fundamental technology for realizing this is fine geometry processing, which is mainly comprised of the etching. Etching is a technology for transferring the circuit patterns onto the underlying thin film by partially removing the various thin films deposited on a wafer. The etching scheme is designed to ensure the etching uniformity, which is one of the important indicator for evaluating process stability. After the etching process has been completed in the thin film, the semi-finished products need to be tested and analyzed for confirming etching effect and whether the process can continue.

Alfa Chemistry has etching experience of many years and we are passionate about understanding and solving etching problems in production and research. We provide etching scheme design as well as testing and analysis services to help our customers improve product yield and reduce economic losses. To learn more about our professional services, please click on the links below.

Etching Scheme Design

Etching Scheme Design

Etching scheme design is the first step in the smooth progress of etching process. Alfa Chemistry provides customers with etching scheme design services.

Testing and Analysis

Testing and Analysis

Testing and analysis is to check the etchants and etching effect. Alfa Chemistry has a professional analytical team and instruments to serve you.

Our products and services are for research use only and cannot be used for any clinical purpose.

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